Thursday, July 23, 2009

KFC Secret Recipe May Be Revealed

Has Ron Douglas, an avid cook and Kentucky Fried Chicken fan, really cracked the ingrediants to one of the best-kept secrets in the world?
Ron says he may know the 11 herbs and spices in KFC’s recipe — and now he's sharing the secret with the world.
He started the Web site

Douglas scored a deal with Simon & Schuster, which published his "America's Most Wanted Recipes" earlier this month. The book includes his recipe for KFC's 11 herbs and spices — which Douglas says he discovered after six attempts.

"The exact recipe has never been released," Douglas admitted, "but mine comes really, really close. I kept trying, and with the help of the online community, we figured out a recipe that's so good most people can't tell the difference."
But KFC says, not so fast: "Colonel Sanders' Secret Recipe of 11 herbs and spices is one of the most famous recipes in the world, and the precautions taken to safeguard the identity of the ingredients are second to none," said Rick Maynard, a KFC spokesman. "Plenty of people have tried to duplicate the recipe over the years, but there is still only one place to get authentic Original Recipe Chicken — at a KFC restaurant."
The one thing we know for sure (because we have tried it)
the chicken must be pressure-cooked.

Ron Douglas shares the ingredients for his version of KFC's 11 herbs and spices recipe
— 1 teaspoon ground oregano
— 1 teaspoon chili powder
— 1 teaspoon ground sage
— 1 teaspoon dried basil
— 1 teaspoon dried marjoram
— 1 teaspoon pepper
— 2 teaspoons salt
— 2 tablespoons paprika
— 1 teaspoon onion salt
— 1 teaspoon garlic powder
— 2 tablespoons Accent

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