Wednesday, July 8, 2009

But We Like Bottled Water

There was a four year study of 103 brands of bottled water where one-third contained levels of bacteria or carcinogens that exceeded purity guidelines, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) reported.
"Bottled waters do not generally pose a major public health threat", said study author Erik Olson, "most water is free of contaminants."
The suggestion here is, water in a bottle doesn't mean it is any safer, purer or better than water that comes out of your tap.
A lot of us have believed that bottled water contains no chlorine or harmful chemicals, the study found that fluoride, phthalate, trihalomethanes and arsenic, a known carcinogen, can be found in some bottled waters.
There is some concern about the presence of bacteria in bottled water that might pose health concerns with some infants, the frail elderly, some chemotherapy patients and others with weakened immune systems.
As a food product, bottled water is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and required to show nutrition information and ingredients on its labels. Municipal water is under the control of the Environmental Protection Agency.
The two agencies have similar standards for water quality, but the FDA has less authority to enforce them. water.

The FDA has yet to set standards for DEHP, one of several chemicals known as phthalates that are found in many household products, while the EPA limits the presence of phthalates in tap water.
Community water systems must distribute annual reports about their water's source, contaminants and possible health concerns.
After all is said and done we probably will continue to drink bottled water, simply because it tastes better.

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