Saturday, September 26, 2009

Paula Deen on the View

Paula Deen's visit to The View to promote her cookbook for school kids was priceless. Paula may wear thin (pardon that expression) but she did well on the view.
The book is, Paula Deen's Cookbook for the Lunch-Box Set.   The best thing was watching these ladies just having fun with a table full of food, just look at their plates.  But it was Barbara Walters who looked like that horrible relative nobody likes — just watch her, displaying her displeasure with the thought of having to actually speak to Paula.
It bcomes funny, Barbara with all her superiority, says with great disdain,
"Let me act like your mother... This is a cookbook for kids. Obesity is the number one problem for kids today. Everything you have here is enormously fattening. You tell kids to have cheesecake for breakfast, you tell them to have chocolate cake and meatloaf for lunch and french fries... Doesn't it bother you that you're adding to it?"

Watch the 7 minute video: