Thursday, September 17, 2009

People Food that Can Kill Your Pets

It happens to a lot of dog and cat owners. You’re snacking away, and you can just feel it, those big sad eyes staring at you that say,  " Feed me. I’m so hungry, Really!"The temptation may be great to give in, but there are certain foods that can cause your pet great harm, even death.
So what’s one of the worst things you can feed your pet?
Most of us know about Chocolate.
Chocolate contains theobromine, an alkaloid from the cacao plant.  If eaten in larger quantities, it can kill your pet. Dark and unsweetened chocolates contain even higher quantities of theobromine, and can be especially lethal.
Candy in general is bad for pets, but the sugar free candy and gum can be downright deadly.
Sugar free candy can be “especially dangerous” for dogs because it contains xylitol.
While completely safe for humans, it can cause a dog’s blood sugar level to plummet, which can lead to seizures and even death.  Too much xylitol can also cause liver damage.
Just two sticks of sugar free gum can kill a 20-pound dog.
The dangers aren’t just limited to candies. Check out the other foods that can harm your pet:
Nuts – Walnuts and macadamia nuts can be particularly lethal.
Avocados – This fruit has a high fatty content and element in avacados called persin, which can cause tissue damage.
Onions – Onions can be toxic to pets, damaging red blood cells leading to anemia and breathing problems.
Grapes and raisins –  The problem with grapes and raisins is not fully understood.  The Web site suggests it may have to do with the “fleshy” part of the grape.  Symptoms can include vomiting and lethargy with an end result of kidney damage.
Medicine – It’s not uncommon for pet owners to give their pets people medicine to ease an ache or pain.  But some drugs, especially acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can cause liver damage, ulcers, kidney failure and death.
Bones- In particular, this applies to chicken and pork bones.  Not only can they get stuck in your pet's throat, marrow inside the bones is not a good thing.  "The marrow inside the bone is very rich and can cause them to have inflammation of the pancreas and cause them to become quite ill.