Sunday, September 20, 2009

Piece of Wendy's Spoon Found in Man's Lung

Not to be outdone by McDonald's drive through gifts, remember the gun and a bag of pot?
John Manley,  recently discovered that a piece of a plastic spoon was the source of his two years of ill health, coughing, vomiting and pain.
Having surgery last week to remove part of a plastic spoon from his lung, it was discovered that it wasn't just any old plastic spoon; it came from the fast-food chain Wendy's, with the restaurant logo clearly visible on the handle. Take that McDonald's!
"It must have been in the food or drink," Manley said.
He figures he inhaled the chunk of plastic when he took a large swallow of soda at a fast food restaurant.
"I'm a gulper," he told the paper. "I gulp stuff. I always have."
Manley finally convinced doctors to run a scope on his lungs.
They were flabbergasted to discover the jagged chunk of plastic with writing on it.
His doctor found the spoon after looking into his lungs with an endoscope, a medical instrument with a long, thin tube containing a light and a video camera.
"He explained that there was an object down there, and it had writing on it," Manley said. "It spelled out 'Wendy's' on one side and 'hamburgers' on the other, and I was a little floored."
So were his relatives, who, when he telephoned them with the news, were eating ... at Wendy's.