Sunday, November 1, 2009

Parents who label foods 'bad' or 'wrong', can lead to an unhealthy approach to food.

A new study is just in time for the holidays, where we plan on stuffing ourselves. (that's not a commentary, it's the truth)
The study revealed that girls with dieting mothers are more likely to suffer from eating disorders.
The survey involving teenage girls with an average age of 14 said their mothers dramatically influence their self-image and they felt damaged by the effects of their mother's dieting and views on food.

After a recent Voodoo Kitchen cooking show, we found ourselves being chastised by a young girl, in her early teens.
She said, "do you realize you cooked dead animals with living souls, it's disgusting."
She said her mother had taught her the truth about eating.
We told her we thought it was better to cook dead animals than live ones and if she ever changes her mind we have lots of recipes on our Voodoo Seasonings site she should check out.  We would be more than happy to help her out of the darkness.
She said, "my mother and I have never eaten meat and we never will," and walked away.
So, the findings of the study revealing that an eating disorder was common because of a mother's attitude towards diet may have a lot merit.
Many girls feel that mom's, who typically diet and worry about food and their own weight, are their biggest influence.
Kids learn how to eat by watching their parents and when food becomes an issue
with mom's and dad's labeling foods as bad or wrong, it can be an unhealthy approach to food.