Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kellogg's to Laser Each Corn Flake with Logo

We thought taste alone would separate real corn flakes from the imitators, but never mind all that because Kellogg's is in the process of developing a laser that would burn its logo onto each individual Corn Flake.
"Now you'll always be able to tell your Corn Flakes from your corn fakes!" Kellogg's said. (suggesting Corn Flakes taste like the fake flakes)
They will send beams of light to print a toasted trademark logo without altering the cereal's taste,  (a taste difference we apparently can't distinguish anyway)
If all works out the logos could be put on other brands, such as Special K and Bran Flakes.
Helen Lyons, lead food technologist for Kellogg, said "We want shoppers to be under absolutely no illusion that Kellogg's does not make cereal for anyone else. We're constantly looking at new ways to reaffirm this, (may we suggest taste) and giving our golden flakes of corn an official stamp of approval could be the answer."