Monday, May 31, 2010

Ronald McDonald, a Force for Good or a Pied Piper?

Will Ronald McDonald retire? 

According to McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner, "the answer is no."
"He is a force for good," Skinner said, adding that the 50-year Ronald is an ambassador for the McDonald's brand and its Ronald McDonald House Charities. "He communicates effectively with children and families around balanced, active lifestyles. He does not hawk food."
Shareholders applauded Skinner. And they wailed a shower of boos when representatives from the advocacy group Corporate Accountability International requested that Ronald McDonald be retired for good.
"Ronald McDonald is a pied piper drawing youngsters all over the world to food that is high in fat, sodium and calories," said Alfred David Klinger, a retired Chicago physician who volunteers with the organization. "On the surface, Ronald is there to give children enjoyment in all sorts of way with toys, games and food. But Ronald McDonald is dangerous, sending insidious messages to young people."