Thursday, April 22, 2010

UPDATE: Chef Boyardee rat in a can was mold

A spokesperson for ConAgra Foods issued staement about the rat in a can:
"I want to share that after inspection, we can assure with certainty that the substance in the can is not any type of animal, but mold, likely from damage to the can in shipping. Regardless, it's not acceptable for a consumer to receive a product in that condition. We are working with her, and we are investigating the cause of the mold."
"It's not an animal of any kind, that it is most likely mold. We will confirm this with a series of tests we'll be doing over the next two days."
"Sometimes a very small piece of damage to a can that would be very difficult for a customer to see, but we have the ability to test and determine, could lead to something like this. We do believe this is an isolated incident. It is not acceptable for a consumer to receive a product in this condition."