Monday, April 19, 2010

Do Fast Food Logos make us impatient?

According to researchers, people who are exposed to fast food logos become increasingly impatient and lose the impulse to save money.
Volunteers who were shown the McDonald’s logo at a blink of an eye became agitated when they could not identify it, the study found.
Scientists, monitored the behavior of 57 volunteers, shown six logos from fast-food chains such as MacDonald s and KFC.
The speed at which they read a 320-word passage was measured before and after they were shown the logos, and was found to be significantly faster afterward.
In another experiment, the volunteers were asked whether they wanted to a take a smaller sum of money immediately or a larger amount in a week’s time. They were found to be more likely to opt for instant gratification after seeing the logos.

We are becoming agitated just trying to make sense of the research and these silly tests.

Chen-Bo Zhong, assistant professor of organizational behavior at Toronto University,was in charge of this study.

He said: “Fast food represents a culture of time efficiency and instant gratification. The problem is that the goal of saving time gets activated upon exposure to fast food regardless of whether time is a relevant factor in the context.
“When I sit in a fast-food restaurant, I find myself gobbling my Big Mac down at this incredible speed, even though there is no rush at all.”

Maybe it's just you Mr.Zhong