Monday, October 12, 2009

Jay Leno - NBC = PETA

Right on the heels of World Vegetarian Day we find PETA dressed as chickens protesting NBC Studios and  Jay Leno because of a McDonald’s  planned promotion.

With memories of Andy Dick (pictured left), the protesters were flapping their wings, holding signs reading, “McDonald’s: Nothing But Cruelty,” and “McCruelty: I’m Hatin’ It.”
Guests waiting in line for the prime-time taping gasped as PETA organizers begged the show’s host to use his influence to benefit the millions of birds that end up as McNuggets.
This is “The Jay Leno Show’s” first major ad buy and PETA organizers said they hope to throw attention on slaughterhouse practices and persuade the fast-food giant to change its ways.
The PETA comic below is yet another method used to shame adults and children alike.