Monday, April 11, 2011

Waiter, there's a fly in my soup

Over at the Oxford museum of natural history you find the Banquet of Insects, which hopes to promote bugs as your meat-based diet.
The argument for insects is that they are high in protein, low in calories, and, oh yes, here it comes, they cause much less environmental damage than cattle.
It's claimed that a meal made from silkworms (photo below) is just as nutritious as a beef steak, but farming the worms would require seven times less feed, less water, and creates no methane footprint.

Chef Thomasina Miers created this three course meal, starting with worm crisps, followed u[ by grasshopper salsa tacos and cricket tostados topped with pecorino, radish and orange, and if that wasn't enough, the meal ended with chocolate-coated locusts for pudding.

So, if you are deeply concerned with carbon footprints, your future may include crunchy crickets, silkworms and grasshoppers.