Monday, September 21, 2009

The Barbaric Weight Loss Tongue Patch

The barbaric weight-loss treatment also known as the "Chugay Tongue Patch," a postage-stamp-sized piece of mesh that is surgically attached to your tongue to make eating painful.
The tongue patch, which is supposedly all the rave in Southern California  (that would explain why all of 10 people already have it)  stays in your mouth for a whole month.
It's a daily reminder that you shouldn't be eating be eating, and if you do, it's 20 lashes.
During the month you get everything you need through a liquid diet "full of vitamins and nutrients."
The tongue patch inventor is Dr. Nikolas Chugay, the medical director of the Chugay Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, he says that patients report losing 15 to 30 pounds in a single month.
But if you're on a liquid diet what would you expect?  What happens when you start eating solid food?
After all that, what if you gain weight?
Then what, do you really want to return, to the patch of agony again?