Friday, July 16, 2010

Taiwan and the jaw breaking burger

Taiwan has a dilemma.
They love fast food, just like China, and the Taiwanese just love to sink their teeth into those burgers, especially the really big ones.
As a result many Taiwanese have developed sore jaws and now they can't open their mouths. Professor Hsu Ming-lung of the School of Dentistry at National Yang-Ming University has decided it’s unnatural to open one’s mouth beyond four centimeters to eat.
We've eaten big burgers before, and we never needed advice from professor Hsu Ming-lung.
But some of these burgers are up to eight centimeters in height.
Let's see: there are 3.149606299 inches in 8 centimeters.
3.1 inches, that's it?
Hold on, then these giant Taiwan burgers look nothing like the picture above, they're more like the one you see below.
Sorry professor, that's the size of a regular burger.
Regardless, professor Hsu Ming-lung believes this 3.1 inch burger is causing jaw injuries.
As a result, dentists are fighting mad, they want burger places to either stop selling these gigantic burger monstrosities or put up signs warning people about the jaw injury.

Hey, professor, want to see a big burger?
The Heart Attack Grill has the Quadruple Bypass Burger (see below) with four slabs of beef weighing in at 2 pounds, bacon, three layers of cheese, lettuce and tomato.