Tuesday, March 6, 2012

George Washington McNugget Sells for $8,100 on EBay

The E-bay bidder who offered $8,100 for a chicken McNugget shaped like George Washington has decided to back out.

E-bay rules allow the seller to sell it to the second-highest bidder. They offered $8,000 for it.

If they don't want it, the owner can offer it to the third bidder, and so on until it's sold.

She has 60 days to figure out what to do with it. The money was supposed to go to her local church.

A Nebraska woman has sold a three-year-old McDonald’s Chicken McNugget that kind of looks like President George Washington for $8,100 on eBay.

Rebekah Speight sold the McNugget to raise money to send 50 children to summer church camp.

Rebekah says her children didn’t eat the McNugget during a McDonald’s visit three years ago. Just when was about to throw it away she noticed George Washington’s resemblance. 
For three years she has kept the McNugget in her freezer.