Friday, October 14, 2011

A cashier at a McDonald’s captured beats two female customers

A fight over a $50 bill at a Manhattan McDonald’s leads to a severe beating, the video below contains images that are really graphic.

So we have this cashier with a criminal past violently beating two female customers after one slapped him and the other going over the counter.

The cashier disappears into the back of the restaurant and returns with a metal rod, viciously beating on the two customers.

Other customers watched in horror as other McDonald’s workers failed to stop the violence.

As a result, one of them had a fractured skull that required surgery and a broken arm. The other has a deep laceration.

As far as the employee is concerned, Rayon McIntosh, 31, was arrested and charged with two counts of felony assault and criminal possession of a weapon. McIntosh served more than a decade in prison after shooting and killing a high school classmate in 2000. He was being held on $40,000 bail.

The female customers were reportedly charged with menacing, disorderly conduct and trespassing.